Ban Evasion

If you attempt to bypass a ban or blacklist by using alternative accounts or having others make payments on your behalf without full disclosure, your refund request will be denied. This measure ensures that our community remains safe and that all users adhere to the rules.


Disrespectful Conduct

Refunds will not be issued if you have shown disrespect towards Atom, its developers, moderators, or support team members. This includes any form of harassment, threats, or negative behavior that disrupts the community or team environment.


Service Usage

Once you or any of your server members have used any commands, features, services or our database, you are not eligible for a refund. This ensures that users do not exploit our services before requesting a refund.



Refunds are not available if 24 hours has passed since your purchase. This policy is in place to ensure fair and timely refund requests.


Blacklisted User

If you are a blacklisted user across any of our services, you are not eligible for a refund. This policy is intended to protect the integrity of Atom’s community and services.


Violation Post-Payment

Refunds will not be issued if you make a payment and subsequently violate any rules in our Community Discord Server or Atom’s Terms of Service. This is to discourage malicious activity and ensure adherence to community guidelines.


Malicious Intentions

Refunds will be denied if it is determined that your refund request is made with malicious intent or aims to cause harm to our services or owners. Protecting Atom and its community from harm is our priority.


Forgery or Concealment

If you are found to be forging or hiding details related to the purchase or refund request, you will not be eligible for a refund. Transparency is key to ensuring trust and fairness in the refund process.


Previous Refund Abuse

If you have previously abused our refund policy, you will be ineligible for future refunds. This is to prevent exploitation of our refund policy and ensure fairness to all users.


Fraudulent Payment

Refunds will not be issued if the payment method used is deemed fraudulent or is reported as unauthorized. Any fraudulent activity will be reported, and the account involved will be permanently banned.


Multiple Refund Requests

Submitting multiple refund requests for the same issue without providing new valid reasons will result in denial of the refund. This is to ensure that the refund process remains efficient and fair for all users.


Suspicious Activity

Refunds will be denied if any suspicious or unusual activity is detected in your account that suggests fraudulent behavior. Protecting Atom from fraud and abuse is a top priority.


Terms of Service Violation

Refunds will be denied if you or your server are found in violation of Atom’s Terms of Service or Discord’s Terms of Service. Adhering to these terms is essential for maintaining a positive and secure community environment.


Chargeback Attempts

If you initiate a chargeback after making a payment, you will be permanently ineligible for refunds and may be blacklisted from all services. Legal action may also be pursued to protect the owners of Atom.


Refund Requests Beyond Time Frame

Refund requests made after the designated refund period will not be honored. It is the responsibility of the user to request a refund within the allowed time frame.


Policy Changes

Atom reserves the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting. Continued use of Atom’s services after any changes have been made constitutes your acceptance of the new terms.